Is there anything better than something incredibly wholesome getting a totally badass makeover? Nope!
Which is your favorite? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
Is there anything better than something incredibly wholesome getting a totally badass makeover? Nope!
Which is your favorite? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
2012 was a good year for awkward autocorrects and hilarious text fails by our elders! Keep trying'll get it right one day! But hopefully that day is a long way off.
Which one was your favorite? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
Disney characters are ultimately incredibly badass -- I mean, Jasmine straight up told her father that she would NOT marry any schlubs, and he was the damn SULTAN. Ariel straight up transformed herself explore a crazy, foreign world. That is RAD. And so, some people have decided to get that badassery tattoed right no themselves. Here are some badass Disney tattoos.
Which one was the most badass? Let us know in the comments below!
Before you see “Episode VII” you’ll have to make it through these puns!
Which Disney character would you like to see in a Star Wars film? Let us know in the comments below!
Whoever said there are no dumb questions clearly never went on Yahoo! Answers.
Which was your favorite? Ask me your relationship questions on Twitter and I will give you WAY better advice! Which isn't saying much!
Most people think that all there is to face painting is slapping a little butterfly on your cheek. The common opinion is that if you're over the age of 8 and have your face painted then you're probably a juggalo. No one wants to be a juggalo. I'm here to tell you, friends, that now you can get your face painted and still look like a total badass. Here are badass painted faces.
What do you want to get painted on your face? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!
AND you thought they couldn’t talk BEFORE they started drinking.
Get it together, you drunken kids! Let us know in the comments!
Pretty much the only reason animals have not risen up and destroyed mankind is because they haven't figured out how to use guns yet. Or have they? Look at these images and fear for your lives!
Are you grossly irresponsible? Tell us in the comments!
We show that we like someone by tasting the mouth parts of the face with our tongue. But as romantic as that sounds, sometimes kissing gets a little awkward!
Which was the most awkward?
When a man wears Uggs, he’s making a statement – the statement being, “I am deeply, profoundly, secure in my masculinity.” So much so, you can’t help but respect him. After, of course, you laugh at his terrible choice in footwear.
Do you lack self-awareness and self-respect? If so, do you love Uggs? Let me know in the comments!
People be smartasses! Don't ever change people!
Which was your fave? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
Celebrities are known for looking glamorous and attractive, but sometimes, the camera gets TOO CLOSE. Or in this case, WAY WAY too close. The tumblr blog Celebrity Close Up gets us WAY to close to celebrities. Here are some of the best!
Which was your favorite?
It takes a special kind of mind to look at a bunch of blocks and see a spaceship, a pirate ship, a fortress. So I suppose I understand getting this symbol of imagination tattooed on yourself — it's important to remember that magic can come from the ordinary. Here are some awesome Lego tattoos.
Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
Meet our newest line of huggable puns…
What was your favorite or least favorite doll or action figure? Let us know in the comments below!
My wish for you, dear Smosh fan, is that you are never in a position to take a mug shot at all. But, if you do, please make sure you try to top these crazy pantalooned spectacles of humanity. The more people that laugh at you the harder it will be to hear the voices in your head.
Which one, “scared you straight”? Let me know in the comments!
Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter or we’ll take your mug shot when you least expect it (expect toilet stuff).
Check out 10 Mugshots That Are Oddly Appropriate For The Crime!
A shirt with a howling wolf on it. A case of adult diapers. A 12-pack of Ritz Fudge Covered Crackers. If something tangibly exists on this Earth, sells it. Hell, they’re probably hawking one of your organs right now. Because of the sheer number of wares Amazon peddles, it’s unsurprising that a handful of them are downright absurd. It’s also unsurprising that people love to comically mock those absurd items in the site’s review section. I mean, duh. It’s the internet.
How many stars would you give this astonishing collection of LOLs? Let me know in the comments!
Click Here To Check Out 8 Ridiculously Awful YouTube Reviews!
Pokemon goes with drugs and alcohol like peanut butter goes with drugs and alcohol. Don't believe me? Check out how much all these Pokemon enjoy having too good of a time!
Do you like to throw booze at cops? Tell us in the comments!
Check out Issues We'd Have To Deal With If Pokemon Were Real!