Sometimes I think it's a mistake texting my parents. But at least it's not as bad as these people!
Do your parents troll you via text? Which was your favorite?
Sometimes I think it's a mistake texting my parents. But at least it's not as bad as these people!
Do your parents troll you via text? Which was your favorite?
With The Dark Knight Rises now in theaters, we can expect a ton of people to be moved by the ending of the Batman saga. But how many will love it enough to get tattoos? Hopefully enough for me to fill up another gallery by the time the Batman reboot reboot comes around!
Which is your fave? Let us know in the comments below!
I almost feel like some them are trying to hide something?
Can you believe some of these couples aren’t still together? Let us know in the comments!
Punday just decided to rock a little harder than usual.
Which was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?! Never has the miracle of birth seemed so...icky.
Which is your fave? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
Math. Who needs it. Well, all of science and most other jobs. But not art! I guess. Anyway, people who like math AND art put together these amazing calculator drawings.
Could you do this? Do you just use your calculator for actual math?
Awwww... wook at da twiddle gun! Wook at iiiiiiiiit! Wet’s tickle it! Wet’s tickle its widdle graphite howwow point shells. Awwwwww!
How many very tiny guns do you want hidden in your hair? Let us know in the comments!
Click for what would happen of Quentin Tarantino directed an episode of Dora the Explorer!
Apparently cheaters are as dumb as they are unfaithful. Guess that's what happens when you think with your genitalia instead of your brain.
Which is your fave? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
These people don't play by your rules. THEY DO WHAT THEY WANT. Go ahead, call the police. THEY DON'T CARE.
Are you a first world anarchist? Do refuse to play by society's rules?
Hey! You're not Nicolas Cage! So why are you trying to steal the Declaration of Independence?! Just steal these pics instead! For cryin' out loud.
Which one is the best? Why not submit your own at the Smosh tumblr?
Now that kids have iPads and 3D handheld gaming systems, no one has time for good old fashioned coloring books anymore. We think they need to make some sort of hipster retro comeback. Here are the Funniest Coloring Book Pages!
Do you know of any other funny coloring books? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!
It he justice. He is the night. He is... ANIMATED IN GIF FORMAT
Let us know your favorite Batman gif in the comments!
These might take a moment to load, but be patient. They're worth it!
Technology moves at the speed of, Technology moves super fast. As a result, graphics that blow your mind now will most likely just plain blow in the future. Video games have come a long way, baby, as evidenced by these comically dated advertisements.
What’s the lamest video game ad you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments!
Which was your favorite? Do you like pancakes more when they are shapped like Mickey Mouse? Let us know down below.
I feel good knowing that a new generation of smartasses are warming up to take my place one day!
Which is your fave? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
So the Olympics have started, and while greatest athletes in the world meet compete at the highest level in the world, we should all just take a step back and appreciate how stupid these athletes look sometimes.
Which sport had the most intense faces?
We've all seen that third stupid Matrix movie—it's clear there'll be a robot uprising at SOME point. But maybe, there is a way to save yourself from the robots destruction? Have you considered getting a tattoo to make them think YOU'RE a robot? They'd probably think you're a robot. Their artificial intelligence is not stronger than our intelligence intelligence.
Which tattoo's intelligence is most artificial?
These are too AMAZING to eat!
Which is your fave? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!
I just got a really good deal on a new, unreleased box of Pokemon cards. No one is going to be able to even come close to beating me at the next tournament. Wait. Mr. T is a Pokemon, right? Uh oh. Here are the Funniest Fake Pokemon Cards.
What are your favorite Fake Pokemon Cards that we missed? Let me know on Twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!