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30 Amazing Works Of Peep Art


It’s a widely accepted but rarely discussed FACT: Easter candy is the best candy. Halloween may have cornered the market on distribution but Easter wins hands down for taste and versatility. And by versatility I mean Peeps or housing insulation fluff shaped like chicks and bunnies we feed to children. You’d never catch me eating one, but oh the artistic capabilities! Observe:

peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



peep art



Which piece of Peep art looks good enough to microwave? Let me know in the comments!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and I will draw you like one of my French peeps!

Check out the best of the Drunken Baby meme!

15 Funny Om Nom Noms [Gifs]


The legends say that “OM NOM NOM” was created by cookie monster, since it was pretty much the sound he made when he was eating. Others say OM NOM NOM comes from the ancient Greeks. Those people are probably wrong. Anyway, let’s stop delaying. Here are some funny OM NOM NOM animated gifs. Which is your favorite? Let us know down below!


funny nom gifs patrick spongebob


funny nom gifs beauty and the beast


funny nom gifs messy


funny nom gifs shrew


funny nom gifs cat sundae


funny nom gifs amada bynes


funny nom gifs arnold


funny nom gifs boxxy


funny nom gifs cookie monster


funny nom gifs anime gif


funny nom gifs candy bowl


funny nom gifs kitten finger


funny nom gifs gravity falls


funny nom gifs my little pony rarity


funny nom gifs supernatural


funny nom gifs subway pole



Are you hungry? ARE YOU?


Click here for MORE OM NOM NOM gifs!

24 Funny Examples Of Video Game Logic



When you are playing a video game, you have to suspend your sense of disbelief a little. I mean, come on, if there really were dragons, would yelling “FUS ROH DAH” at them REALLY do anything? (I’ve tried it a pigeon and it did NOTHING.) However, sometimes things don’t make sense, even by the rules of the game you are playing. We call that VIDEO GAME LOGIC


video game logic


video game logic link can't talk to girls


video game logic halo recoil


video game logic assassin's creed III ships


video game logic frogger


video game logic vampire clevage


video game logic tomb raider


video game logic walking dead


video game logic master chief fall


video game logic xcom


video game logic COD noob


video game logic assassin's creed clothes


video game logic borderlands


video game logic final fantasy celebrate


video game logic robotnik


video game logic civ 5


video game logic fridge money


video game logic pokemon bike


video game logic animal crossing


video game logic assassin's creed crouch


video game logic zelda relic


video game logic skyrim muggers


video game logic cortana


video game logic princess peach


Which one was the best? Let us know in the comments!


Check out MORE funny examples of Video Game Logic!

18 People Caught Lying On Facebook

15 Extremely Emo Animals



What exactly is EMO? For most people, it’s angsty teens who are in touch with their own feelings, especially feelings of alienation and sadness. But there’s more to EMO than just sadness. There’s also the hair. (Although, according to YouTube, some people can rock an emo flap and not actually be emo. I bet this is true.) These funny animals are filled with angst, and they have the haircuts to match.


funny emo animals


funny emo animals


funny emo animals cow


funny emo animals dog


funny emo animals guinea pig


funny emo animals


funny emo animals horse


funny emo animals llama


funny emo animals donkey


funny emo animals


funny emo animals horse stand


funny emo animals pig


funny emo animals dog


funny emo animals guinea pig


funny emo animals sloth


Which one was the most emo? Let us know in the comments!


Check out MORE Animals with Emo Haircuts here!

Taturday! Cute Zelda Tattoos!


Legend of Zelda hero Link has oscillated between being a cute little cartoon guy looking for his pal Zelda and a grown-up, mature badass looking to kill that SOB Gannon who took his girl. And that Link makes me uncomfortable, you know? It's like, chill out dude. You live in a world where hearts pop out of the ground and shopkeepers are cool with you coming in and breaking all their pots. Your life is pretty sweet. That's why today, we're focusing on the CUTE Legend of Zelda tattoos!

cute zelda outline mural


cute zelda snes triforce


cute zelda link looks up


cute zelda hanging out


cute zelda nes triforce


cute zelda cute lyrics


cute zelda kirby


cute zelda hey listen


cute zelda tetra


cute zelda link hearts


cute zelda music notes


cute zelda heart key


cute zelda hand fairy


cute zelda link swinging


cute zelda pixels


cute zelda cute notes


cute zelda cute hearts


Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!


Check out last Taturday!

Punday: Nintendo


From the NES to the U, we spell out another round of Nintendo puns.


punday nintendo Kirby curb your enthusiasm


punday Nintendo luigi Einstein chalkboard


punday Nintendo donut wii remote


punday Nintendo legend Zelda link tuxedo


punday Nintendo wii u unicorn horn


punday Nintendo Mario honey nut cheerios


What’s your favorite Nintendo character of all time? Let us know in the comments below!

Check Last Week's Punday!

20 Dumbest Celebrity Tweets


There are hilarious and awesome things being posted on Twitter all the time by celebrities. There are also some incredibly dumb tweets. The one thing that is important to remember is that everyone on this list has more followers than you or I will ever have. So that makes them better than us, right? Here are the dumbest celebrity tweets.


charlie sheen


kim kardashian


scott disick

the situation

lindsay lohan

nene leakes


jason mraz



lindsay lohan






dwight howard

nicki minaj


taylor swift

kim kardashian 2

chris brown


What dumb celebrities do you follow on Twitter? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!


Check Out 23 Best Wrestler Tweets!

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