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19 Reasons Never To Fall Asleep At A Party


You may think you are surrounded by smiling, loving, friendly faces at a party. In reality, they are a pack of sharpie wielding wolves ready to pounce on every available skin you have to give to their sick, twisted desires. And that’s if they came prepared! Drink some water, DON’T DRINK ANYTHING YOU HAVEN’T SEEN POURED IN FRONT OF YOU, and choose your friends wisely or this is your future.


party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail


party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



party sleep fail



Has this ever happened to you? Is that a sharpie behind your back? Let me know in the comments!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter or you’re going to wake up looking like Dikachu.

Check out 19 Old People At Parties They’re Too Old For!

22 Amusing 'Meanwhile Ins'

16 SMASHING Nigel Thornberry GIFS

20 Super Weird Banner Ads


I’m not gonna tell you how to live your life, but if I were you I’d seriously question the legitimacy of the products and/or services advertised in these dumbass ads. I mean...they’re too cray to be convincing!


super weird banner ads weird pictures



super weird banner ads santa’s zits



super weird banner ads gorilla refinance



super weird banner ads tarantula



super weird banner ads kyocera



super weird banner ads eat a spider



super weird banner ads 9-11



super weird banner ads morgellons



super weird banner ads hot date



super weird banner ads michael jackson



super weird banner ads crocs



super weird banner ads superhero capes



super weird banner ads work in usa



super weird banner ads fat slob



super weird banner ads lcd screen



super weird banner ads chicken breasts



super weird banner ads rihanna



super weird banner ads clicked mouse



super weird banner ads coke and pepsi



super weird banner ads yellow tooth



How tickled are you by these bizarre banner ads? Let me know in the comments and win a FREE* iPad!!!


Click here to check out 23 Hilariously Inappropriate Internet Ad Placements!

18 Pieces Of Bathroom Graffiti Wisdom!


Sages used to sit under trees. They used to prophecize to the masses. Nowadays, they pretty much just... you know... do their business. Today's greatest wisdom comes from bathroom walls. Don't believe me? Take a look! But keep in mind, it still comes from a bathroom wall. Don't expect TOO much.

bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom love crocs nobody


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom



bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom



bathroom grafitti wisdom



bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


bathroom grafitti wisdom


Which one was the MOST wise? Let us know in the comments below!


Check out 21 Very Smartass Acts Of Vandalism!



It’s funny how people could think these pictures could be fake. They SEEM LEGIT. I mean, why would someone just go and do something like lie on the internet?


funny seems legit women's shoes van


funny seems legit girl laying photoshop


funny seems legit battlefield 2 gameboy


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funny seems legit pokemon tree


funny seems legit party room door


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funny seems legit photoshop girl


funny seems legit burger king


funny seems legit photoshop smosh


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funny seems legit wonderland door


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funny seems legit middle schoolers anime


funny seems legit fire extingisher


funny seems legit nike shoe


funny seems legit creepy bear van


funny seems legit lays chips


What do you think? Which is the best one? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @carpetislava.


Check out 25 MORE Funny 'Seems Legit' Pics!

20 Dummies Who Forgot To Log Out Of Facebook

18 Ill Advised Couple Tattoos!


ill advised couple tattoos

Yes. Your love is going to last forever. No one has ever felt the love that you and your partner share. But please, if you could, don’t tempt fate by getting a couple’s tattoo. Laser removal of a couple’s tattoo is like when you vomit up a delicious meal and can taste it going the other way. Except what you taste is your dying heart.


ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



ill advised couple tattoos



Which one made your heart scab? Let me know in the comments!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter or Wino for NEVER.

Check out the best of the Drunken Baby meme!

Punday: The Super Bowl


And now for the most watched event of the year- Super Bowl Punday!


punday super bowl Baltimore ravens helmet ravenclaw


punday super bowl superdome kfc bowl


punday super bowl san Francisco 49er miner


punday super bowl football two feet field


punday super bowl football stadium large sundae


punday super bowl football rice krispies keebler


Who do you think will win today? Let us know in the comments below!

Check Last Week's Punday!

10 Celebrities With Cartoon Lookalikes!


To celebrate the return of Shut Up! Cartoons' Do's and Don'ts, we're celebrating CARTOON WEEK on Smosh.com! Don't forget to subscribe!

Hey with some of their outrageous looks...is it any wonder that some celebrities look like cartoon characters? Or is it that cartoon characters look like celebrities? WHICH WAY DOES IT GO??? 


Pinkie Pie/ Katy Perry

 cartoon characters celebrity lookalikes katy perry


Lion-O / Carrot Top

 cartoon characters celebrity lookalikes


TinTin / Miley Cyrus

 cartoon characters celebrity lookalikes miley cyrus


Jasmine / Kim Kardashian

 cartoon characters celebrity lookalikes kim kardashian


Jack Frost / Niall Horan

 cartoon characters celebrity lookalikes nial horan


Ariel / Ariana Grande

 cartoon characters celebrity lookalikes


Krystal / Mama June

 cartoon characters celebrity lookalikes mama june


Dora / Nicki Minaj

 cartoon characters celebrity lookalikes nicki minaj


Violet from the Incredibles/ Pete Wentz

 cartoon characters celebrity lookalikes pete wentz


Which one was your fave? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out Disney Villain/ Celebrity Lookalikes!

20 Celebrities Having A Case Of The Sads


Being in the public eye is sad, lonely business. There was that time that they went from 500k followers to 499k. Or when they jumped in a vault filled with gold coins and had the money 5 times over to pay for the hospital charges. Cheer up celebrities, here, have a gift bag of things you will regift to lesser relatives during the holidays.


sad celebrity angelina jolie



sad celebrity justin bieber


sad celebrity



sad celebrity ellen



sad celebrity house



sad celebrity iggy pop



sad celebrity jennifer aniston



sad celebrity jessica simpson



sad celebrity katie holmes



sad celebrity katy perry



sad celebrity leron james



sad celebrity jennfier love hewit



sad celebrity natallie portman



sad celebrity nicki minaj



sad celebrity



sad celebrity kristin stewart



sad celebrity Ariana Grande



sad celebrity obama



sad celebrity rihanna



sad celebrity keanu



Which is the saddest sad that ever sadded? Let me know in the comments!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter or I’ll be…not very happy in the slightest.

Check out Things That Feel Good When You're Sad (But Probably Aren't Helping)!

16 Way Too Sexy Male Nintendo Character Drawings


Admit it: There's a double standard in video games. Women are sex objects and men are big, strong, and totally straight, bro! Most disturbing is that many of my fellow gamers are in denial about it. Are you one of them? Okay, how about I show you a gallery of MALE Nintendo characters looking as uncomfortably sexy as the ladies? (WARNING: THIS WILL RUIN YOUR CHILDHOOD.)



sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys



sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


sexy nintendo guys


Need to wash the shame away? Weep in the comments!

Check out How Different Nintendo Characters Celebrate New Years!

23 Celebs Used In Ads Without Their Consent


OK, so celebrities have used their, uh, celebrity to promote some pretty absurd products and services – examples include Shannen Doherty for Education Connection (one of those shady websites where dummies like you and I can procure worthless “liberal arts” degrees), Snoop Dogg for Norton Anti-Virus software, and Bob Dole for Viagra (shudder). These ads, however, are far too bizarre to be real.


celebrities not really promoting products harry potter



celebrities not really promoting products ripped napoleon dynamite



celebrities not really promoting products ripped lil wayne



celebrities not really promoting products kate middleton



celebrities not really promoting products oprah tyra banks michelle obama



celebrities not really promoting products tiger woods



celebrities not really promoting products president obama



celebrities not really promoting products woody allen



celebrities not really promoting products sex and the city



celebrities not really promoting products katie maria



celebrities not really promoting products britney spears


celebrities not really promoting products kelly ripa



celebrities not really promoting products princess diana



celebrities not really promoting products president obama blockberry


celebrities not really promoting products viggo mortensen



celebrities not really promoting products kim kardashian



celebrities not really promoting products oprah



celebrities not really promoting products gwen stefani angelina jolie



celebrities not really promoting products steve jobs



celebrities not really promoting products jay-z



celebrities not really promoting products mario



celebrities not really promoting products mario



These may be fake, but what’s your favorite real-life celebrity endorsement? Let me know in the comments! (Mine’s Anna Nicole Smith for TrimSpa, obviously.)


Click here to check out 20 Super Weird Banner Ads!

14 MORE Funny Cartoon Network GIFS


To celebrate the return of Shut Up! Cartoons' Do's and Don'ts, we're celebrating CARTOON WEEK on Smosh.com! Don't forget to subscribe!

You know who is too old for cartoons? NOBODY.Can you name all the shows?

These might take a moment to load, but be patient. They're worth it!


Music, man

funny cartoon network gifs



funny cartoon network gifs

funny cartoon network gifs



funny cartoon network gifs



funny cartoon network gifs grim adventures


Hello, 911?

funny cartoon network gifs johnny bravo

funny cartoon network gifs



funny cartoon network gifs



funny cartoon network gifs



funny cartoon network gifs



funny cartoon network gifs



funny cartoon network gifs


My favorite flavor...

funny cartoon network gifs



funny cartoon network gifs johnny bravo dress


Mmm... Pizza


You are beautiful

funny cartoon network gifs

funny cartoon network gifs


Which is the best one?


Check out 25 MORE Funny 'Seems Legit' Pics!

Beyonce Wants These Unflattering Pictures Removed From The Internet [Pics]


So the day after the Beyonce live television event AKA The Super Bowl, Buzzfeed posted a gallery of Beyonce pics from the performance that was intended to be a total love letter to Queen Bey. Not so fast Buzzfeed!  When the gallery came to the attention of Beyonce's PR firm, they did not find a handful of the photos to be that fierce and requested their removal. From the internet. HAHAHAHAHA! I need a PR firm to get all the unflattering photos of me off of Facebook. Here's a look at the letter:

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


And here are the offending photos:

Photo 5

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Photo 6

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Photo 10

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Photo 11

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Photo 12

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Photo 19

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Photo 22

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Needless to say, nothing riles the internet up more than someone trying to control what people do on the internet. Not only did the offending pics go viral, but people took pains to find even more unflattering photos. But we all know that even an unflattering photo of Beyonce is still kind of hot, right?

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Okay, well maybe this one isn't that hot....

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Cue the memes. Brace yourself! I'm sure more will be coming!

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


I personally find the illuminati conspiracy to be funnier.

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


So take it easy PR firm!! You represent Beyonce! It could be way worse. You could represent one of the other members of Destiny's Child. They would kill for this kind of publicity. Instead they get this:

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


Ooof!  It doesn't get any worse than being dissed by Wendy's. Wait a minute...

 unflattering beyonce super bowl photos


It does. 

What do you think of the whole Beyonce kerfuffle? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out 25 Best Celebrity Derps!

18 Super Crazy Craigslist Ads

22 Most Ridiculous Rapper Chains


Part of being a successful rapper is LOOKING successful, and nothing screams success like crazy diamond and gold jewelry and chains. But any MC can buy a regular medallion. If you want to be taken seriously, you got to get something straight up RIDICULOUS! Like this funny rapper chains.


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funny rapper bling chains frosted flakes


funny rapper bling chains bart simpsons


funny rapper bling chains crayon


funny rapper bling chains odie gucci mane


funny rapper bling statue of libety lloyd Banks


funny rapper bling chains chris brown


funny rapper bling chains mario


funny rapper bling chains self chain dang


funny rapper bling chains barney


funny rapper bling chains batman yung berg


funny rapper bling chains gameboy


funny rapper bling chains credit card


funny rapper bling chains ice cream


funny rapper bling chains fozzy


funny rapper bling chains pinky brain


funny rapper bling chains car


funny rapper bling chains mario stars


funny rapper bling chains t-pain liquor


funny rapper bling chains newports


funny rapper bling chains rick ross


What do you think? Which is the most ridiculous? Let us know in the comments or on twitter @carpetislava.


Check out 15 People Who Don't Know The Difference Between 'Rapper' and 'Raper'

20 Images That Just Can't Be Unseen


What has been seen, cannot be unseen. Once these images are in your brain you can’t kick them out. I guess you could say this will really change the way you look at the world!


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


 can't be unseen


Which one was your favorite? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out MORE Images That Can NOT Be Unseen!

20 Dudes Trying WAY Too Hard


If there's one thing all men on Earth have been guilty of at least once, it's trying way too hard to look cool. Trying too hard, after all, is life’s great equalizer. It doesn’t matter if a dude’s a geek, bro, or jet setting millionaire – as long as he has a pulse, he's worn stupid crap and contorted his face in a stupid fashion in an impotent attempt to gain the respect of his peers and desired sexual partners. These 20 dudes have more in common than they realize.


dudes trying way too hard nerd with cornrows



dudes trying way too hard bear shoes



dudes trying way too hard gold pants



dudes trying way too hard crazy hair



dudes trying way too hard leather jacket and glasses



dudes trying way too hard kanye west



dudes trying way too hard ed hardy shirts



dudes trying way too hard fake tan muscles



dudes trying way too hard clear pants



dudes trying way too hard hipster yellow



dudes trying way too hard douchebags



dudes trying way too hard hipsters



dudes trying way too hard beer bong jack daniels



dudes trying way too hard von dutch



dudes trying way too hard arms crossed



dudes trying way too hard hipster beard and shorts



dudes trying way too hard hipster jacket



dudes trying way too hard snake face



dudes trying way too hard guy fieri



dudes trying way too hard lady gaga



What’s the lamest thing you’ve ever done for sweet, sweet attention? Let me know in the comments!


Click here to check out 22 Bros Being As Bro As Humanly Possible!

Taturday! RADICAL Lip Tattoos!

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