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25 Funny WTF Pictures You Can't Explain


Sometimes in life, you come across an image you just can’t explain. Sometimes it’s hilarious, and other times it’s totally WTF, but either way, there’s just no rational explanation for what is going on in the picture. Can you explain what’s going on in any of these?


funny wtf horse girl fan


funny wtf sheep toilet


funny wtf fat slenderman wal-mart


funny wtf clowns with baby


funny wtf chicken nazi


funny wtf meat suit


funny wtf draco riding a llama


funny wtf mrs. doubtfire marrying boba fett with batman


funny wtf


funny wtf baby beaver taxidermy


funny wtf pink gorilla on the subway


funny wtf used pizza


funny wtf princess sci-fi weapons


funny wtf shoe liquor


funny wtf deer boxer jesus


funny wtf teletubby muscles


funny wtf dog blonde wig


funny wtf horse lobby


funny wtf goat laptop field


funny wtf fish drink


funny wtf sword grandpa


funny wtf deer with sword and gun


funny wtf subway mess


funny wtf scary teletubby


funny wtf russia



Which was your favorite? Can YOU explain of them? Let me know in the comments or on twitter @carpetislava.


Check out 25 MORE WTF Picture You Can't Explain!

22 MORE Pics OF Guys Wearing Ridiculously Saggy Pants

Best Smartass Replies To 'Things Boys Do We Love'


So there’s a tumblr blog called “things boys do we love” where they caption romantic pictures and then write something that is supposed to be romantic about what boys do, but sometimes just sounds creepy. I mean, if you think about, not everything boys do is something you should love. Here are some examples!

things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny


things boys do we love funny



Which was your favorite? Can YOU explain of them? Let me know in the comments or on twitter @carpetislava.


Check out 12 Hilariously Smartass Test Answers!

Punday: Oscars

22 Incredibly Creepy Photobombs!

21 Strange WTF Statues

19 Celebrities Caught Ogling


It’s hard work being a celebrity. Sometimes your eyes just get tired and need to rest on something, like some boobs. Lucky for us the constant invasion of their privacy lets us take a peek while they sneak one.

ogling celebs


ogling celebs david beckham butt


ogling celebs russel brand


ogling celebs christina aguilera hillary clinton


ogling celebs conan o'brien


ogling celebs chris cooper jennifer lawrence


ogling celebs dustin hoffman


ogling celebs ellen degeneres katy perry


ogling celebs jake gyllenhaal


ogling celebs jonas bothers


ogling celebs kanye west


ogling celebs leonardo dicaprio


ogling celebs obama


ogling celebs natalie portman


ogling celebs salma hayek


ogling celebs tiger woods


ogling celebs justin timberlake


ogling celeb wood allens


ogling celeb wood allens



Which celebrity ogled best? Let me know in the comments!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter. EYES UP HERE!

Check out 21 Strangest Things Katy Perry Has Put On Her Boobs!

You Had One Job! [21 Pics]

15 Epic High Fives

20 Super Strange Billboards


Billboards are corporations' way of saying "YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT US EVEN WHEN DRIVING AT LIFE-THREATENING SPEEDS." Since you only have a second to look at a billboard before moving on or crashing into the highway divider, sometimes billboards get a little... weird. Look at these or perish!


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards



weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


weird billboards


Is everything going okay back at home? Let us know in the comments!

Check out 20 Super Weird Banner Ads!

22 Hysterical Wrong Number Texts


We all get wrong number texts sometimes, but sometimes, just sometimes, they aren’t boring, but instead are funny wrong number texts. These are rare, but beautiful, and should be shared and appreciated. Here are some of the funniest wrong number texts ever!


funny wrong number text


funny wrong number text this is dog


funny wrong number text


funny wrong number text 45 year old math


funny wrong number text nice rack


funny wrong number text this is patrick


funny wrong number text urkel


funny wrong number text


funny wrong number text hat photoshop


funny wrong number text off the team


funny wrong number text fake baby


funny wrong number text celine dion


funny wrong number text lord chuthulu


funny wrong number text hey jude


funny wrong number text ice ice baby


funny wrong number text my little pony


funny wrong number text kicked out of the quartet


funny wrong number text stacy


funny wrong number text it's ok naked dude


funny wrong number text


funny wrong number text


funny wrong number text forever alone friend



Which was your favorite? Let me know in the comments or on twitter at @carpetislava.


Check out MORE funny Wrong Number Texts HERE!

20 MORE Funny YouTube Comments


The only thing I enjoy more than watching Youtube videos is reading the comments. Althought they mostly infuriates me, every once and awhile you come across something that brings the big time belly laughs that completely cure the troll-induced ulcers. Like these funny youtube comments!

youtube comments x factor microwave


youtube comments kittens dislike


youtube comments


youtube comments mushroom hair girl


youtube comments arabic


youtube comments brock best line eyes


youtube comments elijah wood


youtube comments guitar hero


youtube comments masturbation


youtube comments darth vader


youtube comments kate upton


youtube comments walk


youtube comments mc hammer


youtube comments goldfish


youtube comments


youtube comments


youtube comments baby seal killed bin laden


youtube comments hitler mustache


youtube comments surfer balls


youtube comments baseball cap


Which one was your favorite? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out The 30 Best YouTube Comments Of 2012!

Taturday! Glow in the Dark Tattoos!



I know that I sure get sc-sc-sc-sc-scared of the dark! So I've been planning to literally have my entire body covered in glow in the dark tattoos, so that I can be a shining becon of light and never have to be afraid of the dark ever again. Here are some people who have taken steps towards my all-glowing, never-dark life, but aren't quite there yet.

glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


glow in the dark tattoos


Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!


Check out last Taturday!

Punday: Cell Phones


Punday’s been trying to reach you all day with these messages…


punday cell phones han solo android phone


punday cell phones emoji icons jeans


punday cell phones guacamole texting iphone


punday cell phones microbiology cell smart phone


punday cell phones iphone clapping apps


punday cell phones instagram graham cracker


What should the next cell phones be able to do? Let us know in the comments below!

Check Out Nifty Nintendo Puns!

Crappy Original Names Of 10 Famous Bands


Naming things is hard. So I'm not surprised that it took these bands a few tries to come up with the perfect name. Hey, even if the new name isn't that great, at least they tried. What's your excuse Matchbox 20? 


Green Day 

original name green day


Original Name: Sweet Children

The band dropped their original name to avoid confusion with another local band called, Sweet Baby. Green Day was a tribute to the band's love of marijuana. And here I thought it was their way of promoting the dangers of global warming and the importance of recycling. I'm so naive sometimes.



original name queen


Original Name: Smile

Smile was the name of a popular London-based blues band. Then they got a new singer named Freddie Mercury and for some reason were inspired to change the name. Never has flamboyance seemed more badass!


Beastie Boys 

original name bands beastie boys


Original Name: The Young Aborigines

Originally a hardcore punk band, the boys changed their name when they transitioned into hip hop, and  released their single 'Cooky Puss'.  The song became an underground hit and cemented the band's signature mix of humor and dope beats. It just cemented my desire to have some Carvel.



original name bands rem


Original Names: Twisted Kite, Can of Piss, Negro Wives

Um, Can of Piss is mildly amusing but how was Negro Wives EVER a good idea!? Lead singer Michael Stipe eventually chose REM by randomly opening up a dictionary and just picking something. I'm thinking that it's way better when he doesn't over think things.



original name bands nirvana


Original Names: Pen Cap Chew, Skid Row

Kurt Cobain said that he eventually chose the name Nirvana because he wanted a name "that was kind of beautiful or nice and pretty instead of a mean and raunchy."  There's nothing beautiful about a chewed pen cap. And it's pretty mean when someone borrows your pen and then returns it with a gnarly cap. Jerks. Just keep the pen.


Black Sabbath 

original name band black sabbath


 Original Name: The Polka Tulk Blues Band

The band was originally named after a cheap brand of powder Ozzy Osbourne saw in his mother's bathroom. Because nothing is more hardcore than something that's part of your your mother's grooming routine. Luckily the band changed the name to something much more conducive to throwing up The Sign of the Horns.


Pearl Jam 

original name bands pearl jam


Original name: Mookie Blaylock

The band was originally named after the NBA point guard with an odd name. Glad they went with something more respectable...like Pearl Jam. I'd like to take this opportunity to say, that's gross, dudes.


Snow Patrol 

original names famous bands snow patrol


Original name: Polar Bear

Considering this band is from Ireland, what's with the cold and snowy obsession? I guess Snow Patrol is better than Polar Bear...bearly. Sorry, couldn't resist.



original names famous bandscoldplay


Original name: Starfish

The band changed their name to Coldplay after they were sued by Patrick Star. JK. Just trying to add some humor to the situation. Because Coldplay is very serious. Even when they're wearing matching outfits and getting their picture taken. 



original names famous bands slayer


Original name: Dragon Slayer

I guess I can see why the band changed their name from Dragon Slayer to the more simple and subtle Slayer. Because if there's one thing I know about Slayer, they don't like to do anything that might be interpreted as 'showy'. 

What original name do you think is the worst? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out 8 Bands With Terrible Style!

25 Hilarious Examples Of 'Pretty Girl, Ugly Faces'


Although it started awhile ago, the 'Pretty Girls, Ugly Faces' photo fad has really taken off recently. Simple premise: double panel image, one picture of a pretty girl and a second image of the same pretty girl, making a horrid face. Intentionally looking ugly?  A rare thing on the internet where every photo is carefully curated to show one's best side.  Here's 25 of the best examples, including an applause-worthy showing from our own Smosh Twitter followers. Well done, ladies!

pretty girl ugly face meme cat


pretty girl ugly face meme smosh follower


pretty girl ugly face meme evil


pretty girl ugly face meme


pretty girl ugly face meme double chins


pretty girl ugly face meme smosh follower


pretty girl ugly face meme glasses


pretty girl ugly face meme


pretty girl ugly face meme


pretty girl ugly face meme smosh follower


pretty girl ugly face meme gap toothed


pretty girl ugly face meme


pretty girl ugly face meme smosh follower


pretty girl ugly face meme chinless


pretty girl ugly face meme tongue sticking out


pretty girl ugly face meme teeth


pretty girl ugly face meme bad angle


pretty girl ugly face meme smosh follower


pretty girl ugly face memesmosh follower


pretty girl ugly face meme scrunched up


pretty girl ugly face meme


pretty girl ugly face meme asian


pretty girl ugly face meme smosh follower


pretty girl ugly face meme scary


pretty girl ugly face meme pink hair


pretty girl ugly face meme fan


Which was your fave? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out The Best Of The 'Hey Girls! Did You Know About Your Boobs?' Meme!

28 Super Cool USB Drives


There was a time that when just having a computer made you seem like an individual. Not anymore. These days everyone has a computer. How are you supposed to let everyone know how cool you are? The answer, my friend, is awesome USB drives. USB drives come in just about every style you could possibly imagine. They're the perfect accessory to let everyone around you know that you're different like everyone else. Here are some awesome USB drives.


patrick star


batman robin joker catwoman









millenium falcon






swiss army knife











butterfly knife



vulcan peace sign









solo carbonite



resident evil 5 chainsaw


















teddy bear















star wars cast



harry potter



Which USB drive will hold all of your darkest secrets? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!


Check Out 25 Practical Items Made of Legos!

15 Hipster Cartoon Characters


This whole hipster phenomenon has gotten way out of hand. It seems like just about every aspect of pop culture has been infiltrated by these know it all jerk wads. Is there nothing that they won't get their soft hands in to? Even cartoons are turning over to the dark side. Here are hipster cartoon characters.














timmy turner




judy jetson




nathan explosion




patrick star






Which cartoons do you want to see as hipsters? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!


Check Out http://www.smosh.com/smosh-pit/photos/18-hipster-pokemon!

Pictures For You to STEAL: v 109!


All right team. Here's the plan. STEP ONE. Right click on these pics. STEP TWO. Select "Save As...". STEP THREE. Save these pics. STEP FOUR. Share them on your Tunblr or whatever. STEP FIVE. Rob a bank.

Yes... yes, I think this heist will ultimately be successful. GO TEAM!


bruno marshtomp pun

pug life


how not to eat pants

animal forest squirrel trumpet

some fine business

stare down



horror toast

stone statue in america

future not proactical

negging dog

grandma betty perfect way to die


harley epic meal time shake

Which one is the best? Why not submit your own at the Smosh tumblr?


Click here for more Pics to Steal!

15 Funny Haters Gonna Hate [GIFS]

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